
Walking between As-Safa and Al-Marwa in Worship

Conditions of Sa'ee

1- Niyat (intention)
2- To make tawaaf first
3- To make seven continual trips, starting from As-Safa and ending at Al-Marwa

Walking from as-Safa to al-Marwah is considered one trip; and from al-Marwah back to as-Safa is another trip.

1. Start from As-Safa

Innas-Safa Wal-Marwata Min Sha'a irillahe, Abdau Bema Bada Allahu Bihi. 
Verily, as-Safa and al-Marwah are among the rites of Allah. I start with what Allah started with.

2. Climb up the hill of As-Safa

Face the Kaabah, raise hands in dua and say 3 times :


Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, La -i Laaha Illal-Laahu Wahdahu La Shareeka Lah,
Lahul Mulku Wa Lahul Hamd Wa Huwa Ala Kulla Shayin Qadeer La Ilaaha Illal-Laahu Wahdahu, Anjaza Wa'dahu Wa Nasara Abdahu Wa Hazamal Ahzaaba Wahdah.

Allah is the most great, Allah is the most great, Allah is the most great. None has the right to be worshiped except Allah alone, without any partners, to him belongs the dominion, to him praise is due, and he has power over all things. None has the right to be worshiped except Allah alone, He fulfilled his promise, and made his slave prevail, and he defeated the clans all alone.

3. End Standing on the hill of Al-Marwa

Climb up the hill of al-Marwa, face the Kaabah, raise hands in dua and say what was said on the hill of As-Safa (Allahu akbar).
For males, it is preferred during Sa'ee to run between the  green lights.

4. Misconceptions in Sa'ee

  • You do not have to climb to the top of Safa or Marwa.
  • You can take breaks in Sa'ee to drink water or rest.
  • You can take a break after Tawaf, before Sa'ee.
  • There is no specific Dua to say between Safa and Marwah.

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